Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Sliced bread

Sometimes inspiration hits me. Bits and pieces, before undetermined, combine in a spectacular synthesis. Sliced bread has nothing on this one. I try to put it in the context of reality, where soon i see the necessary actions to be performed to make this happen. I realize my need for specific information. My trusty google and wikipedia by my side, i lustily start finding searchterms which help me find my precious info.
Then i see it, the perfect description of my idea. A few words, a near scientific encapsulation of the whole array of thoughts surrounding my glorious concept. The description turns out to be a link. A link to a webring, with accompanying wiki. Apparently my idea has already been perfected by some assembly of enthousiasts. I whimper, not knowing if i should be happy or not. Luckily i am soon distracted by new bits and new pieces. Now to make me a sandwich.

The Annotated Bible

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