Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Rise Of The Fear Of Politics

Ok, some politics now. These are some of the most enlightening docus I have seen the last few years. I will just post the links, and not embed them in here, mainly because then you can see them bigger.

The Power Of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear.

This BBC docu is 3 hours long, in 3 parts. It covers the 'fear'-strategy admittedly used by many a government.

Part 1: Baby Its Cold Outside
Part 2: The Phantom Victory
Part 3: The Shadows In The Cave

The Century Of The Self
This BBC docu shows how new knowledge about psychology and group behavior became too useful for politicians and major companies not to use. Its again a long one, spanning 4 hours in 4 parts.
Part 1: Happiness Machines.
Part 2: The Engineering Of Consent.
Part 3: There Is A Policeman Inside Our Heads. He Must Be Destroyed.
Part 4: Eight People Sipping Wine In Kettering.

Both of these were by the same author: Adam Curtis.

Why We Fight
This is a docu made by an independent filmmaker. It's about the military industrial complex in America, and how it is of great influence on the making of foreign policy. It does focus on Iraq, even though this problem doesn't limit itself to that situation.
The film: Why We Fight

Noam Chomsky
I've posted about this guy before, and i find it hard to do him justice by just posting some videos. Basically his head is so full of knowledge about global politics, that you should just listen to everything he has to say. But that would take a lifetime (it sure took his). Here is a small sample:

The Chomsky-Marr interview
. Pre-9/11 interview laying out his life and vision. 30 minutes.

Chomsky vs Foucault
. An oldie, where Chomsky defends his views against philosopher Michael Foucault. Dutch subtitles. 13 minutes

Chomsky on Human Destiny
. A short but wise monologue by the man himself. 3 mintues.

Chomsky BBC Interview 2002
. 24 minutes.

Chomsky at Real Time. Bill Maher is the host of a comedy/politics show. 7 minutes.

Chomsky on Lebanese TV Pt. 1. 10 minutes
Chomsky on Lebanese TV Pt. 2. 7 minutes.

More will follow, but i'm guessing you're thinking: "Yeah, and I'm gonna watch all those too. If I wasn't already bored to death with these..."

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